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About  Indian  (2001)

Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. Those who forget the precious gift of liberty are condemned to become slaves again.

Before independence, our country had been battling invaders from countless centuries. Now the invaders are within. The glorious tricolor is in danger and has to be defended at all costs.

This is the story of Indian in a nutshell. Raj Shekhar Azad, as his name suggests is a very patriotic Indian, whose heart goes rage whenever he sees the negative forces determined to ruin India latch on like parasitic leeches. He wears his uniform for his mission, the glory of the flag, to root out terrorism, corruption, injustice and traitors.

But for every Raj, there is an equally determined fanatic. The fanatic whose aim is to end India, for if there is no India, where can there be any Indians.

Indian is the story of India of the contemporary times, of the times of turbulence and violence, an experience not to be missed and an echo that should be heard.

The time has come for us to be truly 'Indian'

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