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About  Lajja  (2001)

Rajkumar Santoshi's controversial film Lajja is based on the plight of women in rural India – a hackneyed theme -- which has been 'flogged' umpteen times on the Indian screen. The film narrates the story of four women who have either been tormented or exploited by men for their selfish gains. It begins from the opulent city of New York and ends at a remote village in Uttar Pradesh.Rekha plays Ramdulari, who tries to make her village women self-sufficient. This progressive woman becomes a victim of the most regressive and darkest side of humanity, in death, that is. Madhuri Dixit is Janaki, who dares to live by her own unconventional rules.Then there is Vaidehi played by Manisha Koirala, who walks out on her husband and sets out on a significant journey. It is through her agonized eyes that the film is seen.No, we are not through yet. There is Mahima Chaudhary too. She is Maithili, who is a bride-to-be. Her helpless father bows to the demands and humiliation of t