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Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .

Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .

Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .

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India International Jewellery Week(IIJW) 2011 Day3 at Hotel Grand Hyatt in Kalina, Mumbai

Photo 1 - 12 of 77

  • Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .
  • Models walk on the ramp for Jewels Emporium at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .
  • Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .
  • Models walk on the ramp for Manubhai Gems at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Sawan Sukha at IIJW 2011 show day 3. . Models walk on the ramp for Sawan Sukha at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .
  • Models walk on the ramp for Sawan Sukha at IIJW 2011 show day 3. .