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My mother's advice has always helped me: Govinda

Comments  Comments [ 0 ]    By IANS | 04 February 2013 | 4:58pm

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Actor Govinda's late mother taught him about the power of humility and he says he always followed her advice and it helped him.

"My mother Nirmala Devi-jee had taken a promise from me that until you turn 49, do not consider yourself a big hero. I have always bowed to my mother's advice and it has always benefited me," said the 49-year-old. Govinda rocked the box office with hit comedies like "Hero No. 1" and "Coolie No.1" in the 1990s. His last successful outing was "Partner".

He was speaking at the Hare Krishna 'rath yatra' festival here, which was also attended by yesteryear's actress and Hindi cinema's Dreamgirl Hema Malini.

Sharing her views on spirituality, Hema Malini said: "We are stuck in the materialistic world. God is within us, still it is tough to reach Him. But this is not impossible, it can only happen when we all serve humanity without any personal motive."

Copyright  IANS

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Hema Malini Hema Malini

Govinda Govinda

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