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Vinod Kapri's 'Miss Tanakpur...' expose of the system

Comments  Comments [ 0 ]    By IANS | 10 October 2013 | 6:16pm

Mumbai, Oct 10 (IANS) Senior journalist Vinod Kapri is set to make feature film "Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho", a comedy-in-tragedy. He says it is inspired by a true story and that it'll be an expose of the system.

"Miss Tanakpur Hazir Ho" will be shot in a 40-day schedule in Hapur, near the capital.

The "expose factor" caught Kapri's attention around 15 months back when he happened to read a news item.

"A true story inspired me to make the film," Kapri said in a statement.

"The news further strengthened my observation that when it comes to representing India, foreign media time and again projects our country as something really different from the rest of the world with it's own complications and peculiarities," he said.

"They really like to talk about it. However, in this particular news piece there were also some things that I couldn't ignore. I couldn't close my eyes to the facts that were mentioned about what happens in Indian police stations, government hospitals, etc. Even more surprising is the fact that system too gives its stamp," he added.

Kapri has made a strategic decision not to reveal the true identity of Miss Tanakpur before the film hits the screens.

"There is a reason behind that," Kapri said.

"Let there be a guessing game whether Miss Tanakpur is a girl or someone from a different world or whether she is a human being at all. All I can say for now is that 'Miss Tanakpur' exposes the entire system," he added.

So far Kapri has made over 100 documentaries like "13th Dec Parliament Attack", and "26th November Mumbai Attack".

He thinks this is the best time to make a movie like "Miss Tanakpur Hazir Ho" as the Indian audience has started accepting different kinds of cinema.

"During last five-six years cinema has changed and it is good to see the kind of commercial viability it is coming with. The audience is giving such films good reception. I thought this was the right time to take the plunge, hence 'Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho' was born," he said.

As far as the cast is concerned, Kapri was clear about it.

"Om Puri, Annu Kapoor, Ravi Kishan, Sanjay Mishra - I thought that no one other than these four could play the characters better. I could see my characters in them during the writing stage itself," he said.

It also features actors Hrishitaa Bhatt and Rahul Bagga.

Copyright  IANS

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Om Puri Om Puri

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